Sunday, October 12, 2014

Gratitude for Serendipity and Syncronisity

I don't believe in coincidence.  Things happen for a reason.  People meet for a reason.  Paths and doors open for a reason.  My pal Deb and I have always called them "God winks" and "coincidentally" there was a piece this morning on CBS Sunday Morning about God Winks.

I had several late last week.

I am blessed to be a member of the Association for Transformational Leadership.  The midwest group meets twice a year in May and October.  Last week was our fall meeting and a smaller, more intimate group than my last meeting.  It was a blessing to say the least.

We do a fun ice breaker like at most meetings and it is always so uplifting.  It involves circulating and telling your new compadres something good you see in them.  All 3 of the folks I connected with used the same word for me (coincidentally...) JOY.  JOY...what a beautiful word to be associated with.

We then walked through the landscape arboretum, which is breathtaking on its worst day, and in a group of 4 talked briefly on a question posed to us before,  I mentioned that JOY had "coincidentally" come up in all 3 people and yet cancer was the term associated with me recently in a loose connection of sorts.  It just came rolling out and I don't know why...right there in front of the lavender and mint in the fragrant herb section.

It hit me so hard I started to cry.  How could two terms be so far apart in describing me?

Then it happened...that coming together of souls for only good that I crave and love.  Beth, Valerie and Myron...all healers of different modalities, began their loving magic to kick it to the curb yet help me understand why it hit me so hard.  Cancer...WHAT A HORRIBLE WORD.  Your loved one may have cancer,  your pup has cancer,  I have breast cancer,  I have thyroid cancer, you are a cancer...

I cannot find any instance in which that word lights up the soul.

But Beth and Myron and Valerie, I am so grateful for your love and desire to help me.  Because YOU all and the others saw my soul, nothing else and you were firm in eradicating the cancer that seemed to be a black cloud hanging around me.

I am so grateful for you all and your love.  Selfless love that moved me into a great space.  Space that needed to be opened up to take in the next great things of that day and the coming days.

There was more to come that day :)

My dear, dear friend Paul is one of the founders of the Transformational Leadership Council and all of the chapters associated with the group that is international.  He has mentioned to me several times that I should connect with a woman named Patricia who is working on a TL project connected with higher ed.  I have opened her website several times.  Closed it because they are associated with a former employer, some of whose "leaders" have moral and ethical compasses that do not necessarily point due north most of the time and two of whom I have been the target of.  I struggled with that connection.

Opened Patricia's website again...what would I say in contacting her?  Paul said to call but I'm not sure why?

OK, put it aside and think on it later.

So at Thursday's meeting we were in a table exercise to write a 90 second poem where the word ending of the sentence is the first word of the next sentence.  Mary, the facilitator gave us the first two words, SACRED SPACE.  I didn't think...I wrote:

Sacred space is my wish
Wish is for dreamers to do
Do what your heart tells you
You have the power
Power is here to create your reality
Reality is now
Now you need to act
Act is imperative

That is by far the best poem ever and I'm framing that bad boy :)  Soul talk.  Heart speak.

We shared them at our little table of 4.  As we all talked,  I realized my new friend and table mate Joel had mentioned Patricia's organization in passing a couple of times and it clicked...WOW he can help me understand the organization and maybe why I keep opening that page and trying to figure out if I should call her.

Well he did more.  He talked about what they were doing briefly and mentioned that they were having their meeting the next day, asked if I was free.  HELL YES!  He mentioned they were probably full but he would call and ask if I could get in.

ONE person cancelled due to an emergency.  I had an open spot!  Coincidence???  I think not...

The meeting was held at "that" employer I mentioned.  Coincidence?  No.  Time to clear the deck of that shit and get on with cool stuff on the agenda.  And of all things, as I left that day, there was a nemesis and she was literally running to avoid having to say hello.  Yep, kick that cancer to the curb, cool things await.  Coincidence?  NAH, clearing :)

Patricia's organization and meeting were a totally perfect dovetail to the meeting the day before and Joel connected me with a couple of others that continued to fill that space that has felt incomplete on various levels.  Amazing conversation and people.  And Paul and Myron were there to also continue the great energy from the day before.  Patricia is wonderful and I am looking forward to more interaction with the group!

The two days were bubbling over the top with those moments of serendipity and syncronisity that had me spinning with excitement in learning new things and meeting new people and new adventures with them and endless possibilities.  Soul connections.

Paul, I am always and forever grateful for your insight and love and friendship.  Joel, I am so grateful for you opening multiple doors and looking forward to a great friendship.  My other ATL pals from last week, you fill my heart and soul and I am so grateful for all that evolved and helped me grow some wings.  I am grateful to feel and be renewed.

God, I am so grateful for your WINKS.  Please keep them coming!  But here's the deal...sometimes it needs to be a neon sign and not just a wink...know what I mean?

Namaste my friends, my blessings.  I am so grateful for you all!

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