Well over the nearly 10 years I've been on Facebook, I have been reconnected with old friends (that is in the sense of longtime friends not age-wise) and some, like my senior prom date, I had to delete because age has not afforded him the grace and maturity some have acquired, and some I have been blessed to have come back into my life. Thus the case with a girlfriend I have known since the 5th grade, since we were 10.
We met in 5th grade in a class for special kids, MAA (More Academically Able--THAT kind of special) and quickly became friends. When the time came for middle school we went to different schools and lost touch. When high school reunited us, we were friends again and very different and yet the same.
She had found her voice, she was courageous. I was still figuring myself out and trying to please mom and be what my mother thought I "should" be. She was confident, I was still figuring it out. She was funny, I was still figuring it out. And she was stunning, I was small, braces on my teeth and still figuring it out.
She was Badass then :)
We went to different colleges but freshman year, her boyfriend convinced me to drive with him two states away to pick her up for homecoming at our school and we had a ball. But we didn't stay in touch...
She got married and had a beautiful daughter :) and we reconnected at the 20th high school reunion for a bit. And lost touch.
And along came Facebook and one day there she was :) And we reconnected and chatted and have stayed in touch. We had a blast one evening at another girlfriend's house drinking wine. Two years ago had brunch after my husband and I went to Springsteen and I met her husband and we laughed and I just loved the time together. And we stayed in touch. Not as much as many do but we did.
She's still Badass :)
So about 10 days ago on FB she says, "I know this is a shitty way to tell you this but I have breast cancer, BOOM!"
ok FAIR warning, I will swear here...sometimes it's cathartic, sometimes for effect, sometimes What The Fuck, just because...
So there it was from my sweet Badass.
Her take on all of this was, "remember how much I've been wanting breast reduction for how many years? I finally get it...AND the added value is a tummy tuck because they use belly fat to make my new boobs." I did not anticipate her breast reduction to come in the form of a double mastectomy. I'm quite sure she didn't either.
OK, I don't see you often Badass but I love you and this threw me for a loop...
She continues..." BUT I've been working out and trying to be so healthy for this double mastectomy that I've lost 10 pounds and now there is not enough belly fat. They tell me I'll be an athletic C cup...what the hell is that?"
That's me sweetie and you'll not recognize yourself, you're like a G cup...
She continues to tell me that she has been through all of the processing of the information and she is choosing to handle this BADASS...what a surprise :)
girlfriend you have been that since I met you
You are SO courageous. I know the things you've been through in your life though we have not talked openly about them. You've had other huge pain and now this. And my heart aches in worry that you will be OK and still be my Badass GF.
But you have your darling husband, your AMAZING daughter and many friends where you live, and I'm here. I hope I am enough to help. My prayers are daily because I am worried like any gal pal.
But you are Badass :)
I am grateful today for Badass, her beautiful daughter who both inspired me to start this blog. Both are blogging; Badass on her journey and beautiful daughter on her trip abroad this summer. I follow both.
And your blog post about cementing with those "old" friends blew my heart right up, because I knew it came after we had been texting and yes, I am always here...always have been though I didn't tell you.
I love you, I am so grateful for you and am sending you huge prayers.
You are and always will be...
I love you GF, this will be OK, just a speed bump.
Be grateful for friends who love you and need you <3 I am
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